The School is run and own by Uttarakhand School Education Departmetn so school administration is bound to follow all the guidelines and instructions issued by the department.
However there is a provision to constitute a Vidyalaya Management Committee for the smooth running of administration.
Vidayalaya Management Committee(Vidyalaya Prabandhan Samiti)
VMC is the apex body of the school.It deals with all the issues related to the management in the school.The committee is formed for a year only.It consists a various dignotries of different fields and department.Presently the members of VMC are as follows :-
VMC for the Year 2013
1. District Magistrate, District- Uttarkashi - Chairperson- Dr. Pankaj Kumar Panday
2- Principal R.G.N.V. Chinyalisaur-Member- Anil Kumar
3-Principal D.I.E.T. Barkot Uttarkashi-Member-G L Shah
4- C.E.O. Uttarkashi-Member- R.L. Arya
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